How diet and a visit to your dentist in East Belfast can keep your teeth at their healthiest

At Sandown Dental, we appreciate you may want to occasionally indulge in a sugary snack, but it is important to limit your intake of sugar to ensure your teeth and gums stay as free of dental issues as possible. If sugary treats are your guilty pleasure, it is still possible to prevent your dental health from deteriorating too much and too quickly by making trips to your dentist in East Belfast a regular occurrence.


How can sugars and starches damage your teeth?

Your mouth contains bacteria which come into contact with sugars and starches and convert them into acids which attack the enamel of your teeth, causing it to slowly erode. The more frequently you eat foods containing a high content of sugar and carbohydrates, the longer you expose your teeth to the cycle of decay as the bacteria in your teeth are able to continue to convert the sugar and starch particles into harmful acids. Additionally, if your teeth are constantly in contact with sugar, you are at an increased risk of developing small holes in your teeth better known as cavities, which if left untreated may require extraction.

On top of all of this, if you are not visiting your dentist in East Belfast regularly enough, your teeth and gums cannot undergo thorough cleans thus allowing the bacteria to cling on to your teeth and cause the formation of plaque and tartar which contribute to more severe dental issues such as periodontal disease.

What teeth-healthy foods and drinks are recommended?

Your dentist in East Belfast can always advise you on the best foods and drinks to consume to ensure your dental health remains at its best possible state. We highly recommend having a diet rich in calcium and phosphorus as they are two distinct minerals that are responsible for the strengthening of your teeth. They work to remineralise your tooth enamel and thereby restore its strength after the minerals are removed from it by acid attacks. Foods and drinks that are rich in calcium and phosphorus include milk products, cheese, nuts, poultry, and meats. If you are unable to eat dairy products due to an intolerance to lactose, you can substitute it with green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli as they too, contain a high level of calcium. Furthermore, crunchy fruits such as apples, melons and celery are highly recommended as they contain a high water content which can dilute the amount of sugar in your diet whilst also washing away food residue and balancing the pH of the acid in your mouth.

Another way to wash away sugar and starch residue is to chew sugar-free chewing gum; this is because the chewing motion will stimulate your production of saliva which will in turn wash away the acid that is produced. If you snack regularly or cannot brush your teeth after each meal, then it is highly recommended to chew sugar-free chewing gum to wash away any residues which may contribute to tooth decay.

What foods should be avoided?

There are many foods and drinks that are harmful to your teeth and should be avoided where possible. They include hard sweets such as lollipops and sweets, dried fruits, cakes and breads, pretzels and chips. Fizzy drinks contain a high level of sugar and should also be drunk in reduced amounts or substituted to water.